Week 1

Getting all the software up and running

This week, we’ll make sure that everything we need is installed and working on our computers. To begin, please complete the instructions in the Getting Started section on the home page.


On the first day, we’ll begin by collecting and analyzing some data about the class. Please complete the following survey.1

The responses will be available here.

Reading Assignments

Before next week, please read and annotate the following:

Team Project

Our first project will ensure that all the software is functioning on your machine. If you can complete all of the following steps, then you’re in good shape!

  1. Download the folder from the class GitHub repository and open political-analysis-in-R.Rproj.

  2. Open R/week-01-introduction/project-01.R.

  3. Update the author and date in the metadata at the top. (You’re the author. The date is today.)

  4. Update the script so that it filters the data for your name and sex (or some other name and sex of your choice) instead of the male “Joseph”s.

  5. Make sure you have the tinytex package installed. This is the library you need to convert RMarkdown documents into PDFs. To install, enter these two lines into your RStudio console.

  1. Click ‘Compile Report’ (Ctrl + Shift + K) and output to PDF.

  2. Submit the resulting PDF document to eLC.

  1. If the embedded survey isn’t working for some reason, click here.↩︎